Expand with arcrex
About us
ur expertise lies in services concerning expansion from A for acquisition to Z for zeal. Our team of experts has 25 years of market experience in retail expansion in Europe with over 4,500 stores of various sizes in diversified locations in small, medium and large cities. The service areas of ARCADIA include designing, planning and developing retail developments, commercial ensembles, multi-storey car parks, underground parking and residential quarters throughout Germany for its own portfolio and in partnership with family offices. These service areas open up an all-encompassing network in which retailers, restaurateurs and service companies willing to expand can fully participate.
Concept Development
The more explicitly we get to know the expansion concept – from idea to profitability – the more intensively we can work out recommendations for a conceptual adaptation of existing retail structures as well as the development of new retail concepts, which our experience of 25 years in the areas of expansion and the location of shops enables us to do.
Even before developing the specific concepts to be expanded and defining the expansion strategy, a marketing story should be developed to comprehensively accompany the actual expansion offline and if necessary online – and ideally support the development process.
Site Acquisition
With over 4,500 successfully acquired stores, we have a comprehensive wealth of experience in assessing micro and macro locations, assessing the immediate environment, the opportunities and risks of existing buildings, planning and conversion costs, shelving and assortment composition, right up to the strategic opening campaign and long-term positioning of a concept in the retail market.
It’s all about LOCATION !
The acquisition of suitable shop space resembles the search for a needle in a haystack.
Strategic concept development and an accompanying marketing strategy can run parallel to the successful development and expansion of a retail concept for acquisition. In addition to the regional opportunities for concept positioning, we develop an individual risk strategy for each location, which analyses and evaluates the competitive situation in the surrounding area, possible future developments which may have an impact in the neighbourhood as well as the basic demographic data of the potential buyer structures.
From the complexity of the evaluation of on-site impressions and the analysis of the research results we develop a recommendation both for the quality, the expected profitability and for the negotiation path to be pursued for new locations to be secured.
Rental Negotiations
Time and again we see contract negotiations degenerate into fierce duels or wrestling matches at the negotiating table where the long-term nature of the planned cooperation fades into the background.
We are always looking for a constructive examination of contract content that is worth discussing and would also be happy to support you in drawing up a lease agreement template that we can adapt individually to specific locations which we have jointly identified.
In principle we accompany contract negotiations up to the signing of the rental agreement. We can however also assign the signing of the contract and the transfer to our administrative department, provided we have the appropriate authorisation and jointly-defined preliminary coordination process. In general, we negotiate given conditional framework parameters in your interest or alternatively, based on our experience of draft contracts, create balanced and sustainable legally binding working bases, depending on your wealth of experience and your existing interests in pursuing the sometimes lengthy negotiations.
Planning and Construction
After the acquisition has been successfully concluded, the lease has been finally negotiated and signed, the marketing strategy up to the opening campaign is in place and the conceptual composition of shop fittings and product range is finetuned, a precise customization of the rented sales area is required.
Parallel to this, we are in a position, together with our established expansion partners, to accompany and subsequently implement reconstruction services in all necessary areas up to the planning of shelving, lighting, escape routes etc. with our own personnel or at least in artistic management.
If required we prepare plans, negotiate with service providers and shop furnishers, coordinate with local authorities, negotiate with construction companies and general contractors as well as provide in-house site manager support with construction measures. This means that the tasks for the respective clients are limited to handing over the keys, storing the goods, connecting the POS systems and installing the theft protection systems.
Timely and professional work methods ensure customer-friendly adherence to opening dates and a purposeful implementation of opening campaigns. Here we clearly benefit from the experience of the ARCADIA Investment Group as a project developer, through which we are in a position to expand and convert rental locations as well as to acquire and, if necessary, divide up investment properties as well as to convert and reopen them appropriately for the user.
We negotiate your contracts as we would our own!
Our range of services includes:
- Establishment of a resubmission system for monitoring contract terms
- Development of an inventory management concept with regard to expansion and optimization of an existing leasing pool
- Explanation of termination options
- Monitoring of maintenance obligations and cosmetic repairs incl. planning, commissioning and implementation of these measures
- Checking incoming service charge settlements for credibility
- Assistance with possible legal proceedings in controversial matters
- Monitoring protection against competition and product range restrictions
- In an economic emergency, negotiations for dissolution and the search for suitable subsequent tenants